Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog Post for the Week of the 11th

After completing the readings for this week, and perhaps viewing the optional video from last week "The Web as Random Acts of Kindness", reflect upon the idea of the web as a place where where one might seek social support and allies, collaborate, and create.

Here are some questions you may wish to address:

Have you personally experienced negative or positive effects of online communities / social spaces?

 Thinking back to your adolescence, was there a group of people that you could connect with and find support from? Was it positive or negative support? If you came of age before the Internet, how do you think the existence of online social groups might have changed you? If you had access to online communities when you were an adolescent, did you engage with them?

Are we more or less accountable for our behavior if it is being examined online? Do all communities benefit equally by online social communities? Small town, big city, gay, straight, young, old, vampires, atheists, etc?


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