Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Little Creative Writing

A couple semesters ago, in Writers as Readers, Suzanne Nielsen compiled sentences from each of the students' assignments in class and combined them to create a completely new story. I wanted to try this writing exercise with the previous blog posts I've written this semester. Here's what I came up with:

How much of this suburban isolation is because of geographic location and how much is self-inflicted isolation? The first problem I have revolves around just plain laziness. Perhaps it is naive to think that you can represent yourself truthfully without others taking advantage of it. The boundaries are constantly being tested and pushed. Sure, it will evolve, probably constantly, but there is no going back now. It's almost like an invasive species, popping up in every corner of the world. I think it looks a bit like me. Are the images portrayed in media partially responsible? These videos become viral and often end up on national television news channels. Sometimes I get lost in them. What will that mean for the future? Anyways, I'm just organizing out loud (or in text, whatever) and thought someone, somewhere, somehow might also find it useful.

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