Thursday, December 13, 2012

My passion-Ending Racism: Here I Go Again!

The reason White people subscribe to and use color-blind approaches is, it allows them to assume and even advance their position of privilege. Under this ideology Whites can oppose affirmative action (though most jobs-especially lucrative ones go to Whites), and still feel and sound moral. It’s a win-win situation for them-reaping the benefits, yet denying any fault or advantage. Unfortunately, it’s a loose-loose situation for people of color. By obscuring the fact that racial inequality even exist, Whites have comfortable wiped their hands of any state of affairs that connects them to racism.

JohnF. Dovidio and Samuel L. Geartner (2005), psychologist who have studied the psychology of racism for almost forty years, have labeled the new color-blind racism “aversive racism”. They state: Like a virus that has mutated, racism has evolved into different forms that are not only more difficult to recognize, but also to combat.”

They go on to say:

Aversive racists may therefore regularly engage in discrimination while they maintain a non-prejudiced self-image. The term “aversive” in this form of racism thus refers to two aspects of this bias. It reflects the nature of the emotions associated with blacks, such as anxiety, that lead to avoidance and social awkwardness rather than to open antagonism. It also represents that, because of their conscious adherence to egalitarian principles, these whites would find any thought that they might be prejudiced to be aversive.

Today’s racists will not openly discriminate or show bias in ways that can be attributed to racism. Consciously, most White values are said to be egalitarian, but because of the nature of discomfort and negativity Whites inwardly possess towards Blacks, they will discriminate against Blacks, especially when it can be justified as something else- “We had to get rid of the program-funding, you know?” Aversive racism is said to be unintentional and unconscious. The danger of this, of course, is if it is hidden from even them, how will they ever recognize it to make changes. While people recognize that being prejudice is wrong, they do not recognize that they are prejudice. “To make things worse, the uncomfortable and discriminatory behavior associated with aversive racism is very obvious to Blacks, even while Whites either don’t recognize it or consider it hidden and deny it when confronted” (Dovidio & Gaertner, 2005).

Despite compelling evidence of racial inequalities, Dovidio and Geartners studies showed that between 40 and 60 percent of Whites who responded to a recent survey, viewed the average Black in the United States as faring about as well, or better, than the average White. Studies sadly show a truth that this is far from this reality.

Not only are Blacks fairing far worse than Whites, studies show that the gap is widening between Whites and Blacks, even wealthy Blacks. The Blair report, a twenty three year study which monitored more than 2,000 families from 1984, came back with startling findings (McGreal, 2010).

White families who had a median of around $22,000 dollars in 1984 increased their wealth to $100,000, but Black household went from a meager $2000 per family and only increased their wealth to $5000. While Whites are able to secure assets in the amount of $100,000, Blacks are left with barely enough to survive (McGreal, 2005). To put things into perspective, the median White family was 11 times richer than the median Black family in 1984 ($2,000 vs. $22,000). But by 2007, the White household had become 20 times richer than its Black counterpart ($5,000 vs. $100,000). The survey does not include housing equity, but if property were included, it would widen the wealth gap even further (Ford, 2010).
Though, tiring, I will continue to spread the message of racism, because to be silent, is to be part of the problem and the problem is so vast that there is no time for pause or rest....unfortunately.
Dovidio, John F., Gaertner, Samuel L. Color Blind or Just Plain Blind?: The Pernicious Nature of Contemporary Racism, 12(4) The NonProfit Quarterly (Winter 2005). <http://racism.orgFord, Glen “Massive Race Divide: Blacks Will Never Gain Wealth Equality With Whites Under the Current System”. Black Agenda Report,.
McGreal, Chris. May 2010.  A $95,000 question: Why Are Whites Five Times Richer than Blacks in the US? <

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