Thursday, December 13, 2012

Jenna Marbles on App Addiction

For our final class I gave a short, but hopefully informational, presentation on the digital divide and Internet addiction. Jenna Marbles is a YouTube addiction of mine. If you haven't heard of her, she posts videos, usually humorous ones, every week. Sometimes I get lost in them. Jenna, in turn, has her own addiction as she explains in her video "Apps are Ruining my Life." She talks about how "The apps that I'm addicted to, half of them I can't even explain to you why they're so they're just flat out fucking stupid." I have thought about this many times after wasting hours playing BubbleShoot or Slotomania. Why do I even care about leveling up? I have no clue, but I do. Marbles talks about how she finally broke down and bought Monopoly on her iPad: "I have never spend that much money on an app and the way that I justified it to myself, in my brain, like some drug addict making excuses for themselves: might as well pay ten dollars for the app so I can play on Monopoly cuz I don't have friends to play with me all the time." Alas, I have not actually spent real money on any apps but I do know the disappointment of having the free levels of a game run out just when it was starting to get good. At the end of the video, she leaves viewers with these thoughts: "and I think the solution is that I need to do my best to take responsibility for, ya know, limiting myself to app playing but it's not my fault because we, as human beings, have never had this much entertainment at our fingertips. It's very hard to be productive and we're all in this big, big boat called what the fuck is my life about?"

1 comment:

  1. I love Jenna Marbles. Thanks for the link. Yes, App Addiction is a real thing.
