Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Is the Internet the utopia people say it is, or is it a bleak look at reality that showcases the ugliness of reality? Can I, as a Black person, roam the web freely with
No fear of prejudice or retribution? Will this new world accept me for who I am or try and change me, stereotype me, accuse me of once again being

The reason you cannot succeed? Will it showcase the injustices that are perpetrated daily? Will it shed a light on the things that are so obvious to me? Will it
Even out the score and make for us an even playing field? Sadly, I have realized that it won’t. Because what comes from the internet is truth-truth of who we

Really are- and it’s a stinging truth. A slap you in your face truth, a not talk behind you back- but to your face truth. A constant reminder that the need to hate has
Not subsided and the quest for equality is far from over. The internet shows us we have a ways to go-quite a ways to go before America can and will open its eyes.

Even a Black President could not bring us to the promise land, as his presidency has prompted racist chants to ring freely and often through the net. I am hopeful that
Time is on our side and the infamous “one day” will arrive and I can surf the net free of hate, free of prejudice, with only the judgment of my character at stake.

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