Monday, September 24, 2012


So. Here she is. And I must say this is pretty standard for my technological representations. I'm sure you're asking "why the mustache?" Well, because I like mustaches and can't have one (unless I up my testosterone intake but that comes with other undesirable side effects). Also, I feel it adds to the expression of my personality. I like to reflect that I have a silly side. If you see my Facebook profile picture it's me but it also has a degree of silliness:

My Wii avatar (Mii) is very similar to the DoppelMe image. It looks like me with a mustache. 

What does this all mean? You know, I've NEVER thought too much about it. I've always tried to make my avatars look as much like me as I could. I don't like misleading people into thinking I'm someone that I'm not.  Now, you can make assumptions about me based on my Facebook profile picture. For example: I drink a lot because I'm holding a beer and appear to be in a bar. Or maybe that I'm trashy because I have tattoos (an assessment made by members of my own family who don't take the time to know me outside of what's on my FB). But to me this picture just says silliness which expresses my personality - a side of my personality that my classmates might not ever know because none of you actually know me outside of class. I am aware that I'm fairly different in and out of class and in and out of work. This can be an extension of the identity discussion we've been having. What parts of your personality do you let "take the wheel" during your weekly duties; what traits are expressed more freely in each of these settings?

Thinking about other's motives in designing their avatars is a hard task for me. If I don't know the person, I would have a hard time discerning the reasons behind their decisions. I think it is theirs to explain if they felt necessary to do so. Which I guess is our assignment for this week! :o)


  1. I loved logging onto the blog and seeing a mustachioed version of you looking right at me! And that expression... !
    I also like the question you pose about differing identities at work/ home/ school. And to what degree do people change their profile pics/ avatars for certain occasions - job hunting, class reunion, etc.?

  2. I also appear to be pantsless. Not sure how that happened...

  3. What a great avatar! To me, this underlines the epitome of avatars: creating *whatever* we want. And, as my post (is about to also) state, I am on-board with the "multiple personality" theory.

  4. Tasha, thanks for being the first to post your avatar. You are inspiring. I like the photo of you with a beer too - although it looks like you've just seen or heard something shocking... And I love the mustache!

  5. Loved the Avatar!!Though, I dont think it looks like you-more like a red-neck country boy!! Love the mustache too!I also love your sense of humor on your Fb page. Its hard for me to make fun of myself in that way. Nice job!
