Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Finding the Balance

Does anyone else have an issue with finding balance in their social media? I don't necessarily mean too much or too little applications (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc), but how much to share and with whom. I only use Facebook currently so I'll focus on that specifically since everyone in class does use that as well (or, in Tomi's case, knows it's usage very well).

It's hard for me to decide who should be on my friend list because I know that some people have their self-esteem tied into their Facebook. The more people I have on my Facebook that I know but aren't close friends with, the less I feel willing to share what I'm up to. If I do share anything personal, I feel as though I have to defend myself from the harsh judgments of others who wanted me to be someone else or imagined I was different from the picture they got of me. Of course I remove them from my friend list ASAP but why is this happening? Why am I not allowed to post what I want on my own Facebook? Why do I have to be someone that everyone else wants me to be? And how does one even try to conform to each individual's expectations of you? It's impossible and, frankly, annoying.

So, should I start deleting all my friends? Where do I stop? I feel like I'd delete ALL of my friends which I wouldn't care at all if I knew I wouldn't be offending my family or my closest friends because, again, self-esteem is tied into social media. If someone does feel the need to pass judgment on me because they don't agree with me, I have no problem cutting them loose because, after all, they weren't my close friend anyway and I don't mind seeing them go.

It's weird even typing this out because why does any of this matter? Why are people adding me to Facebook if they don't really know me then get upset by things I post because my presentation of myself doesn't fit their predetermined image of me? Ridiculous.

I guess I'll just stick to posting innocuous things like pictures of my wiener dogs and the people who really care about me can either come see me or give me a call.


  1. I know exactly what your talking about! My biggest concern is adding co-workers and family. With co-workers, I'm afraid to post anything too offensive. Things that I find funny or agree with, but could be offensive, I chuckle and scroll down. I can't even 'like' things anymore without my friends seeing it! With family, it's almost like if you add one member, you have to add them all. It can be a terrible cycle!

  2. I know what you mean. I've created groups for my friends and if there is something I want to post that is more personal, I customize the setting for that particular post so that only the group "family" or "close friend" will be able to see it.
