Wednesday, September 19, 2012

NTIA Updated Report on Computer Usage

Hi all!

As I was looking over the "Measuring Race on the Internet" article, I saw a lot of information from NTIA, or National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and thought it was a bit out of date. Here's their website to their latest reports - which is 2011 with 2010 Census data.

This link:
has a current breakdown (since 2010) of anything you could possibly imagine (race, age, income, education, etc). Page 15 has the current computer usage by race breakdown. So: Asians went from 71.2% in 2002 to 86% in 2010; Whites from 70% to 80%; Blacks from 55.7% to 64%; and Hispanics from 48.8% to 66%.

The report is really crazy and I didn't know this ever existed before reading this article. Very interesting!


  1. Tasha, Thank you so much for sharing this link. Based on this week's reading I have been interested in updated information. Particularly intriguing are the statistics on Non-Hispanic Asians, in light of the Nakamura article. The same trend that she disputes is evident in the NTIA report as well. Hmmm. Statistics are only part of the story. The more important part is the interpretation and explanation. Also interesting to see the breakdown of socioeconomic status and internet use.

  2. I'm curious as to what Congress thinks of this updated data.
