Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Joy in Avatar!

I chose to go to the first link on the syllabus and try faceyourmanga.com. I like the fact that I didnt have to sign up,(though I did have to leave my email address), and it was easily accesible and not difficult to use.

This is my first time creating an avatar for myself. To my relief, I found it to be an easy process. I am "computer challenged" and am finding this blogging process to be a little harder than I thought it would be. This is only my second time blogging. I did a blog last year on Human trafficking for an English class. I couldnt tell where to find it.

Anyways, I chose to keep my ethnicity the same, as my identity is deeply embedded in my ethnicity. I tried to make my avatar close to me as possible as possible, maybe- perhaps a bit lovelier. Though I wouldnt call the proces tedious, I did find myself laughing at how long it took me to decide on the eyes, mouth and eyebrow shapes. Choosing my wardrobe also proved to be a long deciding process as well. Despite myself, I thought it very important that my avatar represent me with a fashion statement I could be proud of, thus choosing an outfit also proved to take way longer than it should, considering. What does this say of me that my Avatar must be so perfect and refective of me?

Usually, for my profiles (Facebook, Yahoo), I choose an actual picture of myself. Other than using my children or my favorite basketball player, Kevein Garnett, I dont usually use other images. I chose to place a mike in the picture because I generally consider myself a teacher who spreads knowledge  and also because I like to sing. I like the way my avatar came out- she is pretty,  yet strong.

All in all, I found this to be one of the funner (is that  word?) assignments!


  1. I think your choosing to make your avatar as close to you as possible says you are proud of who you are!! :) Oh, and technically, it should be "more fun," but who cares? We are in cyberspace right now, so can "play" with things like language, right??! Shakespeare created words, so why can't we?

    1. Your right- if I can make a representative of myself, why cant I make up words as well??!!!Thanks

  2. Of course funner is a word; you just used it! I like your avatar. Very classy looking. We chose the same hair style, but so different in other ways.

    1. Funny- I noticed that to that we usd the same hair..yours is cute.Thanks for your comments.

  3. I think it's interesting that we have all made our avatars look so much like us and not something really random yet. Also, Joyce, you put so much thought into yours and made very smart, conscious decisions about how to represent yourself through an avatar. I like that.

    1. Thanks Tasha- I tried not to ( "just pick one already"!)...but it was fun. Yours is great- wish I could step outside the box and put a mustache on!

  4. I also found the faceyourmanga website easy to use. There were a lot of options to personalize your avatar, unlike doppleme where a lot of the options were locked.
