Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mermaids and Media Control

OK folks, so last week, I mentioned how the government has control of the media--news, internet, radio, etc. Andrew suggested I post about this. 

First, here is the link to Animal Planet (AP). This is a trailer for Mermaids: The Body Found. As you can see, this is a snippet from the two hour show. In a nutshell, this follows the story of scientists who identified a unique sound (The Bloop) that was a new species (of dolphin, so they thought). They also heard sonar tests by the Military, to which they attributed mass Whale beachings/deaths. Eventually, a body was found in a shark that did not match any known species. After putting all the pieces together, the consensus was something they avoided saying: it was a mermaid. Enter the government, who confiscated all the info. 

Now, these scientists, who ostensibly worked for NOAA, eventually left NOAA. Some of them have tried to put out their own sites. Yet look what happens when you type in one of the two names: Dr. Paul Robertson. This domain has been seized by the department of homeland security!? You get the same thing when you search for Mermaids are Alive, which was another attempt at creating a website. Here is a16th century rendering of what was thought was genetic anomaly--and what the scientists claimed they found:

Of course, there is a disclaimer at the end of the AP 'documentary':  "Though certain events in this film are fictional navy sonar tests have been directly implicated in whale beachings. “The Bloop” is a real phenomenon; there is still debate about what it may be. None of the institutions or agencies that
appear in the film are affiliated or associated with it in any way, nor have they approved its contents.
Any similarities in the film to actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental."

So, we are left to wonder: what is the veracity of the information? Are mermaids real? I really don't care one way or the other, and that is not the question I am pursuing here. But why did the Department of Homeland Security get involved? If it is because of the sonar testing, what is the government doing behind closed doors that could so terribly affect the planet/humanity? How bad are the sonar tests? I would assume pretty bad, if they want to cover up the information on it. 

And then, why get rid of "Mermaids Are Alive" website? If the evidence is weak or potentially a hoax, why not just let that site stand? There are plenty of others claiming the same thing that have not been censored. People will believe what they want to when it comes to a topic like this.

The question is: who controls the information, to what degree, to what purpose, and why? We heard a ton of info on the Sept. 11 attack of 2001. I mean, you can't hide that (duh). Yet the reports of potential Chinese Satellite Hacking were hardly heard of--and hacking into our satellite system could cause a whole lot of havoc; it could be considered its own act of war. Without 100% proof, retaliatory action can't be taken, of course. But would the U.S. want to, given the global economy and who produces a lot of the crap we buy? So...how free are we, really, to use the internet to share information? Sounds to me like "The Man" still has a pretty strong hand in media control.


  1. I read on FB that
    "there are 1500 newspapers, 1100 magazines,9000 radio station, 1500 TV stations,2400 publishers owned by 3 corporation".

    Now who these three corporation are is not stated, but this sure is scary and proves your last point.

  2. Wow! It's amazing to think of how much digging has to be done for us to find out certain information and how much information is being withheld. It's kind of scary!

  3. Oooh pretty underwater colors, Andrea. haha
