Thursday, September 13, 2012

Not liking this learning experience

I had thought that I was computer savvy but this whole blogging thing is causing me more stress than learning. I am caught between working on my ability to write and have you all see what that looks like and also trying to learn to do blogging. Maybe there is a time where you get to old to learn! hehehehe
I am going to try and ride this out but I already feel like I am so far behind that only a full time tutor can help me overcome my procrastination. I am a passive/avoidance personality which increases my stress level and anxiety and in turn causes me to withdraw even more and this in turn causes me to become depressed because I am not meeting the demands that I have set for myself. Well enough about me. I not sure that I want this to be shared with you all but I feel like at least I am trying to make some kind of identity, as the old guy trying to learn something new.

1 comment:

  1. Steve,
    I like that you can be yourself on this blog (of course, do I know this is really you and not a very savvy actor feigning shyness and hesitancy for effect?C:).

    You are bringing up an interesting feature of online identity. This blog is different, generally, than most I see because we actually get to see our real selves each week. So this performance can be understood as just that - a performance. (nice persona!)
